A lifestyle blog about living a life worthy of God's blessing, sharing my experiences as a mom to twin girls, wife, friend, passion-filled individual, and lover of all! Hopefully will bring some cheer to your day!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Day 15 - Prayers for Your Husband

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Day 15

Pray that your husband will choose his friends wisely. Pray
that God will bring him men who will encourage his accountability
before God, and will not lead him into sin. (Prov. 13:20; Prov. 27:17)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Day 14 - Prayers for Your Husband

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Day 14

Pray that your husband will speak words that build you and your
family, and reflect a heart of love. Pray that he will not use filthy
language. (Prov. 18:21; Eph. 4:29)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Day 13 - Prayers for Your Husband

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Day 13

Pray that your husband use practical skills to build your
family and make wise decisions for your welfare. Pray that he will
serve unselfishly. (Gal. 5:13; Phil. 2:3-4)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Day 12 - Prayers for Your Husband

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Day 12

Pray that your husband will yield his sexual drive to the Lord
and practice self control. Pray that your sexual intimacy together
will be fresh, positive, and a reflection of selfless love. (Prov.
5:15, 18; 1 Cor. 7:3; Song of Solomon 7:10)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Day 11 - Prayers for Your Husband

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Day 11

Pray that your husband will have a humble, teachable spirit and
a servant’s heart before the Lord. Pray that he will listen to God and
desire to do His will. (Prov. 15:33; Eph. 6:6)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Day 10 - Prayers for Your Husband

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Day 10

Pray that your husband will cultivate strong integrity, and not
compromise his convictions. Pray that his testimony will be genuine,
that he will be honest in his business dealings, and will never do
anything that he needs to hide from others. (Prov. 20:7; 1 Tim. 1:5,
3:7; Eph. 6:10-12)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Running Fever

True Confession here: I miss running, I miss it badly! I need to find time to run somehow somewhere. My schedule seems so tight that I don’t know where to fit it in or even where to begin. I miss it in two ways, one is the fact that I want to maintain being physically fit and my routine usually includes running, and second I miss the high I get from running, the feeling of conquering the next mile or even the next few minutes or even the next stop light when I run out on the street. I also set a running challenge for myself which I am suppose to begin this year.

Since I am up at 5.30am feeding the baby(ies) and getting ready for work, the morning time does not seem to work and then after work I have about 2 hours before the babies go to bed which is just enough for me to do some bonding, bath time and feeding. Next is dinner if I’m cooking that night and then getting some rest for myself. 

Sooooo, I don’t know, what do you think? Are these excuses? Could I carve out sometime somewhere or am I really beating up myself too much? Ugh, I am still looking for the solution but right now I guess I can dream of when I settle into some sort of routine someday. 

I miss you, running! Rant over…

Day 9 - Prayers for Your Husband

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Day 9

Pray that your husband handle finances wisely, will have
discernment concerning budgeting and investments, and will be a good
steward of his money in regard to giving to the Lord’s work. Pray that
money will not become a source of discord in your family. (Prov.
23:4-5; Rom. 12:13; Heb. 13:5)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Day 8 - Prayers for Your Husband

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Day 8

Pray that your husband will work hard to provide for your
family, to the best of his ability. Pray that the character qualities
necessary for a successful career and ministry will be a growing part
of his character—persistence, decisiveness, strength, an analytical
mind, organizational skills, positive relationships with people,
determination, etc. (Rom. 12:11; 1 Cor. 15:58)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Meal Planning Monday (err Thursday..)

So I have been seriously slacking on putting out my meal planning on the blog, but trust me I have been following through, I have it noted down in my handy dandy note book that I take everywhere with me, so far this is what my week has looked like-

Potatoes and Sautéed Kale with red peppers and Turkey
Pesto Pasta and Salad
Corn and Spinach Salad and Salmon
Brown Rice tomato stew and sautéed carrots and butter beans
Pineapple Teriyaki Chicken and sweet potatoes or brown rice
Mediterranean Quesadillas
Leftovers of anything!

My philosophy in meal planning is really easy, eat a healthy variety, avoid too much rice, save money on grocery shopping, and no red meat!

Some tools that have helped me so far is finding recipes on sites like wholefoods.com, some favorite food friendly blogs like budgetbytes.blogspot.com which I routinely add to my pinterest, (you can follow me here) I also find awesome recipes on pinterest.

When I don’t have any specific recipe I just throw anything together, an example is Monday’s recipe (Potatoes and Sautéed Kale with red peppers and Turkey), this recipe is a hit with my husband especially, I always have potatoes on hand (red or white), so I either bake or boil them with a pinch of black pepper and salt. 

Kale is always handy in my fridge too, I chop up three bunches and sauté with onions and red peppers and I usually buy a huge batch of turkey legs from my butcher (I go to the butcher once a month), I prep them by cooking it and storing in several Ziploc bags so that they are available to use whenever I need some sort of meat. I diced the already cooked Turkey into the sauté and it came out delish! If I didn’t have Turkey I would substitute with shrimp, equally yum!

Day 6 and 7 Prayers for Your Husband

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Day 6 and 7

Pray that your husband will love righteousness and hate
wickedness, especially the evils of the culture. Pray that he will
recognize and avoid wickedness in his own life, and if necessary, take
a clear, strong stand against evil. (Prov. 27:12; John 17:15; 1 Cor.

Pray that your husband will safeguard his heart against
inappropriate relationships with the opposite sex. Pray that his heart
will be pure and undivided in his commitment to you. (Prov. 6:23-24,
26; Rom. 13:14)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 5 - Prayers for Your Husband

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Day 5

Pray that your husband will be faithful to his wedding vows.
Pray that he will have a desire to cultivate your relationship as a
sign of his loyalty and commitment to you, and as a picture of
Christ’s love for the Church. (Prov. 20:6; Gen. 2:24)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 4 Prayers for Your Husband

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Day 4

Pray that your husband will grow in leadership skills in your
relationship—protecting and providing for you. Pray that he will lead
you wisely and love you sacrificially, so that God will be glorified
in your marriage. (Eph. 5:25-29; Col. 3:19)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Day 3 Prayers for Your Husband

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Day 3 

Pray that your husband will be humble and quick to agree with
God about his sin. Pray that his heart will be tender toward the voice
of the Lord. (Ps. 51:2-4; Micah 6:8)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Day 2 - Prayers for Your Husband

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Day 2 

Pray that your husband’s relationship with God and His Word will
bear fruit in his life. Pray that he will be a man of wisdom and
understanding, fearing the Lord. (Prov. 3:7, 9:10; Ps. 112:1)

Friday, June 1, 2012

31 Days of Prayer for your Husband

As the month of June is about to begin, it marks a couple of important dates for me, my 5th year anniversary and Father’s Day. Bearing this in mind, I decided to go through 31 Days of Prayer for my Husband, (forget that June has only 30 days ;-) ) I will be sharing the prayers each day in June, you can always catch up if you don’t happen to catch this from Day 1. 

I promise it will be worth it!

Bless your husband by praying for him! The Apostle Paul instructed all
Christians to pray for one another (Ephesians 6:18). This includes
wives’ responsibility and privilege to pray for their husbands.
Earnest prayer for your husband is good for him, for you and the
spiritual health of your home (Proverbs 31:11-12).

Satan desires to destroy your husband, especially his character and
his leadership in your relationship. Trust God through prayer as you
daily surrender your husband and marriage to the Lord’s wise, loving

Day 1
Pray that your husband will grow spiritually and consider his
accountability before the Lord. Pray that he will guard his heart by
developing spiritual disciplines—Bible reading and study, prayer,
meditation, scripture memorization, etc. (2 Peter 3:18; Prov. 4:23)